It’s been an action-packed summer for CleverHiker and we’re back in the field filming our next series, Essential Trail Skills! The content for our new series is looking incredible and we’re really excited to get to work in the editing studio in October. More info about the new series coming soon!
We’ve got a lot of big updates coming up, so make sure to stay tuned. We’re working on some huge website improvements, we’ve got some great new trip reports to share, we’ll be posting some sweet gear reviews, and we’re working to bring on a few key sponsors for our new videos.
We just hit over 40,000 views on our first youtube video, which has only been up since June! We’re making better content, putting it together faster, and working to deliver it more efficiently. We’re developing short previews for all of our episodes and connecting with other backpacking experts who have skills they want to share. CleverHiker’s going to be making some big moves soon. Time to get down to it!
Thanks for all of your support and stay tuned!