The New CleverHiker

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission if purchases are made through those links. This adds no cost to our readers and helps us keep our site up and running. Our reputation is our most important asset, which is why we only provide completely honest and unbiased recommendations.

The new look of CleverHiker – Ryan Purcell Grand Teton NP

CleverHiker is finally out of hibernation!

Over the past few months I’ve built an entirely new website, completely changed my approach, and radically shifted the vision for all future CleverHiker content. 

I know that things have seemed quiet lately, but I’ve actually been busting my butt to shift the entire nature of CleverHiker. I’m moving CH away from selling content and changing it into a completely free resource that will provide a much greater benefit to the entire backpacking community.

In order to make that shift, I needed to learn web design and completely rebuild my website. I’ve spent hundreds of hours building the new site and I’m really proud of how it’s looking. I also feel completely empowered to make any any future web changes to the CleverHiker site, which is a big change. 

Over the next few months I’m going to be releasing a bunch of free video content. I’ve stopped selling Lightweight Backpacking Foundations and our Gear Guide. Instead, I’m going to release all that information publicly on our website and youtube channel.

The videos will be posted under the videos tab and our full gear guide is already up under the gear tab. I just released episode two of our foundations series – Ultralight Shelters – and I’m hoping to release 2-3 episodes per week over the next few weeks, so stay tuned. 

Social media can be a fun tool, but it’s also a time consuming and somewhat ineffective way to communicate. If you really want to stay in touch, I suggest signing up for our monthly newsletter. The focus of our newsletter will be to entertain, inspire, and educate with a wilderness focus. 

Also, I know this is a big shift away from our previous website model and I don’t want anyone to feel burned by this change. While I am confident that this is a much better direction for CleverHiker, I don’t want anyone who purchased our video series to be upset. If you feel like you’ve been wronged, please let me know and we’ll work it out, that’s a promise.

Thanks so much for your help and support over the past year. I’m determined to fine tune this project into a resource that really makes a difference in peoples lives. I know I’m on a better track now and your feedback has been a huge part of that. 

Thanks so much for everything!

Don’t be a stranger, 
